
Newsletter 2

Newsletter 1

Fondazione Luigi Clerici (FLC)


Fondazione Luigi Clerici (FLC) (Italy) is a private non-profit VET organization, established in 1972 which operates in Italy with its 30 branches by providing training services for people, companies and social organisations. Its aims are:  contributing to social and professional inclusion in the labour market and promoting training courses according to the current needs of the labour market. FLC has 7 VET centres in which it offers training courses for the catering sector and 2 VET centres in which it offers training courses for the Pastry and Bakery Sector.  Being aware of the huge amounts of food waste, which is being created in Italy and Europe, FLC aims at introducing knowledge and competences about food waste management within its training course. Therefore, W2W is of specific interest.

Sara Radaelli

Sara Radaelli

Key skills: She has experience in the management of European project and has knowledge with regards to the EU environment and its partner organizations. Furthermore, she is responsible for the Erasmus + Mobility Projects.

Nadia Glaeserer - European Project Manager

Key skills: She has experience in the management and implementation of national, international and European projects regarding education, lifelong learning and research. Furthermore, she has experience in designing, organizing and coordinating of training courses and in developing e-learning material for adult learners.


CDEA has led the way in vocational training in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, since 1978 and delivers HOSPITALITY, TOURISM & HEALTH courses in three areas: in-service, initial and adult vocational training. Our broad range of courses brings them into daily contact with the business community which enables them to adapt to the ever-changing skill needs. CDEA aims to contribute to the continuous improvement and development of tourism and hospitality sectors by preparing and training the professionals of the future. 

As a VET provider CDEA recognizes the value of training future leaders in the food sector in their role as changemakers and we strongly encourage innovative thinking. Through the accomplishment of this project we will provide tailored support for four SMEs  partners, stakeholders & regional/agricultural agencies to increase awareness of the impact of the food waste on the environment and economy and on how we can better use food waste to create worth and economic gain.